Swag Bucks

Search & Win


Day 1 1/31/11 (measurements and weight taken 1/30/11)
Weight 157.6  BMR 1490.96  BMI 25
Left Arm 11  Right Arm 11
Left Leg 20.50 Right Leg 20.25
Waist @ navel 36.50
Hips 39.25
Chest 38 (female and not required, but wanted to see)
Total Inches 138.50 (not including chest)
Estimated Body Fat using Jackson/Pollock 7  (taken self)
Body Fat 26.72%
Pounds of Body fat 42.10
Lean Body Weight 115.50  (This would be a dream, and something not seen since middle school)
Tim does recommend a complete blood work to be completed.  I have not done that.  I had blood work done a few months ago, will post those numbers when I find them.  I routinely have blood work done every 6 months, due to the never up and down of my Cholesterol.  I hope that this will bring me some relief to those numbers on my next visit.